About Us
RxClarity Group is a pharmacy benefit consulting firm with over a decade of experience. Our leader, a pharmacists, who chose a career in pharmacy benefit management to help people and the entities paying for their health care. Our team consists of pharmacist specialists and experts from a range of disciplines, enabling us to provide the best advisory services, analytics and member engagements. It starts with blocking and tackling on procurement of the right pharmacy benefit manager, continual analytics of the PBM and lower cost opportunities so members receive the best prescription options. We are dedicated to improving the performance of your pharmacy benefit program and deliver cost savings.

Meet Our Dedicated Team
At RxClarity Group, our team surpasses 125 years of combined pharmacy benefit management experience with key analytics and clinical knowledge across all major disciplines of pharmacy up and down the pharmacy supply chain. Our founder, a Pharmacist, leads our team through passion to protect the people who need medications against an industry that is truly lacking transparency in care and costs.