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We stay proactively connected in review of your program monthly - and hold ourselves accountable to your results.

Continuous Management

At RxClarity Group, we work tirelessly to provide ongoing management of your Pharmacy Benefit Program. This includes ongoing management of the PBM contract and performance analytics along with opportunities to drive to the lowest net PMPM cost.


We use our proprietary data analytics platform throughout the year to report performance against expected outcomes. We also use proprietary clinical and cost optimization scoring to determine if the PBM is maximizing all lowest net cost opportunities - providing ongoing auditing and immediate course corrections before your drug spend spirals out of control. RxClarity Group does the heavy lifting for you.

How Are We Different?

We have no hidden agendas or conflicts of interest as we work only for the interest of our clients - not the insurance carrier, TPA, broker, or PBM. We do not accept compensation from these vendors/advisors. We are here to drive the lowest net PMPM cost.

Ongoing PBM performance

Our Platform

RxClarity Group delivers a platform for transparency.  Our proprietary analytics and reporting consolidates essential data and information tied to your invoices providing you a better look at overall costs and net PMPM calculation.

High cost drugs

High Cost Drug Management 

We place relentless focus on the 5% of medications that drive 80% of your pharmacy costs.  Our proprietary analytics allows us to systematically score PBM performance and take immediate action to manage your pharmacy program.


Rx Clarity Healthcare Community

Member Engagement  

RxClarity is building a community of transparency - one member at a time. Our ability to work closely between all the various components of the healthcare ecosystem is key to our ability to engage members to better health.

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Shiny objects like promise of big rebates or big savings from point solutions do not always mean lowest net cost.

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